"The individual, in his relation to society, is not a passive instrument but an active creator of the world."

Paul Goodman

Embracing queerness

Having grown up in an unconventional family environment, around communes, anarchists and new age travellers I learned quickly that normative values and systems often don't protect us, and self expression is always unique to the individual. I have been living and working within queer arts communities for much of my adult life. I am kink literate and specialize in working with poly and non-monogamous clients, and those in non-normative relationships and families, as a result of reading, training and through lived experience. I hold an 'Advanced Certificate in Working with Trans and Gender Diverse Clients,' which informs my commitment to providing culturally competent care. 

I have a dyslexia diagnosis, which shapes how I perceive patterns, identity and behaviours. Many neurodivergent people instinctively challenge traditional expectations of gender and relationships, aligning closely with the queer community’s resistance to rigid structures and are more highly represented in gender, sexuality and relationship diverse communities. 

At the heart of my practice is the understanding that we live within oppressive and flawed human systems that pressure us to conform in all sorts of damaging ways. I work with an intersectional feminist framework that is socially and politically dedicated to challenging norms through collective celebration of otherness. This approach acknowledges that all individuals, especially those who live outside mainstream systems of power and privilege, often face unique struggles that deserve both recognition and compassion.

Gestalt therapy’s emphasis on awareness of present experience and the importance of context aligns with a queer perspective. It values fluidity, individuality, and the constant negotiation of identity in relation to others. By exploring the field of our experience—whether through gender, sexuality, or relationship structures—we can begin to understand the forces that shape us, challenge the limiting norms imposed on us, and reclaim a sense of agency in how we define ourselves.